Thursday, March 26, 2009

a day in the life...

10:15am: So I'm still half asleep, but as I'm eating my breakfast I overhear Dave (at that point I had never met this kid) telling his friend that he has an extra ticket to SoundRelief (a benefit concert for the victims of the bushfires that had artists like Coldplay, Taylor Swift, Kings of Leon, the Presets, and way more!). I must have lit up like a light bulb when I heard this (coldplay and taylor swift are some of my favorite artists) because Dave looked over at me and offered me the ticket. I couldn't believe it. A ticket to go see coldplay and taylor swift!!!! I really wanted to go but after hearing that the ticket cost 75 dollars, I decided I really needed to start budgeting my money and I turned down the tickets. I know I know, crazy.
11:15am: I'm talking to my mom on skype and I tell her I just turned down a ticket to this show. After I told her the price she proceeded to ask if I was out of my mind and told me that if I didn't go to the show I was dumb. I make a good, financially sound decision by NOT spending money and my mom reprimands me; all in the name of good music. Love you mom!
11:30am: After running up to Dave's room, I find out that now all three of his friends have backed out of the concert and he is now stuck with three extra tickets. Well how convient considering I had two other friends just itching to go to the show.
SIDENOTE: By the way, to put things into perspective... Coldplay starts the show at 12:15pm. We live about 30-45min away from the city.
11:45am: Nic (0ne of my friends; also study abroad) and I pound on Sagan's door. You see Sagan (also another study abroad friend) has this incredible ability to sleep the day away. Although it was 11:45am Sagan was still DEAD ASLEEP. So Nic and I are pounding on her door screaming at her; "GET UP SAGAN GET UP! WE'RE LEAVING IN FIVE MINUTES FOR THE COLDPLAY CONCERT!!" She opens her door and I mean you could tell this was the sleeping beauty, sleeping for years, coma like state sleep. But she pulled through and was miraculously ready 5 min. later.
12:00pm: Dave, Nic, Sagan & I jump into the cab and head on our way. Coldplay is on in 15 min.

12:30pm: By some miracle, Coldplay delays their show and step on stage 15 min late buying us some time.
12:34pm: Our cab arrives and we can hear Coldplay's song Yellow (my favorite by the way) playing from inside.
12:36ishpm: We arrive and watch the rest of Coldplay's set. Wow, I have no idea what I was thinking earlier... the fact that I almost didn't see Coldplay because of 75 dollars is ridiculous. They are AMAZING in concert. Chris Martin was so energetic and he really engaged the crowd. He was personal, both in conversation between songs, and through playing his music for us. He was so passionate it was like he was letting us into his world of music, sharing with us.

12:50ishpm: In the middle of "Fix You" Chris Martin jumps of the stage and into the crowd and proceeds to run around the grounds in the middle of all the crowd. He manages to briefly escape the crazed fans and the bewildered security guards by jumping fences and hauling it through masses of people like a mad man. After, he jumps back on stage and finishes the song like nothing happened. Genius.
1:00pm: The four of us are now sitting in the warm sunshine waiting for Taylor Swift (she came on 4 hours later) and simply reminiscing the events that have happend thus far. Quite amazing if you ask me.

4:45pm: Sagan "Wow, those clouds are REALLY dark."

4:50pm: Paige "Was that thunder?"
4:55pm: It begins to POUR. Here's the end result.

5:15pm: After the rain storm the crowd decides to go NUTS. We were being pushed and pulled and swayed in every single direction. This photo may help show the craziness.
5:45pm: INTRODUCING TAYLOR SWIFT!!!! She was so energetic and so much fun to see! I really enjoyed her show and of course I was singing my little heart out to every song.
(check out that guitar... yeah that's right COVERED in rhinestones)
So that was my first Australian concert.... so amazing and definitely an adventure.