Sunday, January 18, 2009

i'm sorry california...

Ok, I admit it. I've been a bit harsh. If you had asked me a month ago my thoughts on CA, I would have told you how much I hated it. I would have told you that the smog is disgusting, the people are smug and extremely materialistic, and it was completely overrated.

Now mind you, all I really know of CA is Orange County. Yes the very Orange County that hosts shows like Laguna Beach (really who cares about rich whiny teenagers and their "drama") and The Real Housewives of Orange County (a real classy show about older women and their gossip and their sugar daddies and their plastic surgery). One time an acquataince explained to me that in his high school (smack dab in the middle of OC) girls are grouped into two categories: sluts and prudes. I'm completely serious. He told me when it came down to it, girls were judged on whether or not they could put out.

So I know these are all stereotypes, but I chose to believe them, forever associating southern CA as a personal nightmare (minus the fact that I had family there). So when I thought of the beach I thought it was completely overrated. I mean I live in a gorgeous state with the Rocky Mountains at my fingertips, and I will admit, I totally snubbed everything CA.

And then I went to CA this past Christmas, and I was won over. No matter the guards I put around my heart, the gorgeous sunsets, sunny december days, and sea salt air of CA melted my heart. I fell in love all over again. The beach reminded me that they really were just stereotypes, not exact descriptions of all of CA.

So here are some pictures from my reunion with good ol' CA


Currently listening to...
Hey Stephen
Taylor Swift

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